Hartnett: "From Goldilocks To Goldishocks" As Fed Quietly Raises Inflation Target Above 2%

The key theme of Michael Hartnett's Flow Show last week was his observation that market moves such as this one - a 25% surge in 5 months - have only happened at extreme events: either during recession lows (as in 1938, 1975, 1982, 2009, 2020) or at the start of bubbles...

hartnett from goldilocks to goldishocks as fed quietly raises inflation target above 2

... and since the politicized NBER would never admit that the US is in a recession just months before the election, the only conclusion we can reach is that this is, in fact, a bubble (not like one would need much convincing after seeing the price action in tech stocks in recent months).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge March 16th 2024