Black Friday Online Sales Total a Record Breaking $9.8 Billion

black friday online sales total a record breaking 98 billion
Cooper Neill/Getty Images

Black Friday 2023 marked a significant surge in online shopping, with record-breaking sales totaling $9.8 billion in the United States and $70.9 billion globally.

TechCrunch reports that Black Friday, a major event in the retail calendar, has once again demonstrated its massive appeal and influence on consumer behavior — with a marked shift towards shopping online. In 2023, online sales in the United States hit a record breaking $9.8 billion, a 7.5 percent increase from the previous year according to data from Adobe. This surge in sales did not just confine itself within the U.S. borders; globally, the sales reached a staggering $70.9 billion. Curiously, data from other analysts shows a considerable difference in sales — for example, Salesforce reports a dramatic nine percent jump in sales.

black friday online sales total a record breaking 98 billion

(Photo by INA FASSBENDER/AFP via Getty Images)

The driving forces behind these record numbers were a mix of deep discounts offered by retailers and the rising popularity of flexible payment options. This combination enticed a significant number of consumers to take advantage of the online deals presented. Salesforce reports that 79 percent of all shopping traffic, which included both browsing and buying activities, was conducted on mobile devices. This mobile shopping trend highlights a significant shift in consumer shopping habits, emphasizing the growing importance of mobile platforms in the retail sector.

Interestingly, the Black Friday sales easily surpassed the figures from Thanksgiving Day. In the U.S., consumers spent $5.6 billion on Thanksgiving, which was a 5.5 percent increase from the previous year. However, it fell short of the Black Friday figures, which exceeded even the analysts’ original predictions of $9.6 billion.

The data also revealed interesting consumer behavior in terms of shipping preferences. With a focus on cost-saving, 80.5 percent of all orders opted for standard shipping. This preference aligns with the consumer’s willingness to wait longer for deliveries, especially for items intended as holiday gifts.

Read more at TechCrunch here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship.

Authored by Lucas Nolan via Breitbart November 26th 2023