PBS’s Desjardins: Dems Are Trying to Frame Whistleblower Charges of ‘Unprecedented Obstacles’ as Mere Disagreement

On Wednesday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Correspondent Lisa Desjardins discussed the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers and said that Democrats didn’t question the credibility of the witnesses, but instead tried to argue that the allegations by the whistleblowers of “out of the norm, unprecedented obstacles” in the case were differences of opinion between investigators and prosecutors.

Desjardins said that the whistleblowers alleged things that “were out of the norm, unprecedented obstacles and changes in the way that this case worked. Among a few of those things that they listed, first, at the top, they said that they were not allowed to search Joe Biden’s home where Hunter Biden was living, that they were blocked from interviewing Biden grandchildren, who may have been able to give testimony about Hunter Biden’s tax returns, that they were prominently not — they did not see the felony tax charges that they recommended, and which they said other prosecutors early in the case also agreed with.”

She also noted that whistleblower Joseph Ziegler said he saw “signs that there was something stifling that prosecutor.” And that “throughout the investigation, they became scared to ask questions that they thought would lead to the Biden family or Joe Biden or his campaign.”

She added, “One thing that was unique in this hearing, Democrats did not question the credibility of these witnesses. They said, these are career professionals, but they said they think they got some things wrong, that essentially, these were investigators versus prosecutors. And there’s often a difference of opinion in how a case should be charged. Now, they pointed specifically to a letter from the U.S. attorney in this case, David Weiss, that came out in the last few weeks, where Weiss was very clear, saying, I followed the process and I was never denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction. The whistleblowers are saying that he told them otherwise.”

She also stated that Democrats “say that these plea deals often indicate charges that are graded down from the ideal prosecutor charges because Hunter Biden has pleaded guilty. They also said, Joe Biden was neither president nor vice president for some of this investigation.” And that “nothing Republicans have shown has led anywhere near Joe Biden.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 19th 2023