Women's group rips Target for featuring pride items by Satanist designer: 'Getting in bed with the devil'

'The Battle Cry' group calls out the gender ideology 'cult'

A group of women are calling out Target for "getting in bed with the devil" after the company began selling tuck-friendly swimsuits in the women’s section and featuring pride items designed by an outspoken Satanist.

Target partnered with U.K.-based brand Abprallen to sell merchandise with pro-LGBTQ messages to celebrate Pride month. While the company was already under a microscope over its "tuck-friendly" swimsuits, some social media users were angered to discover that Abprallen's designer Eric Carnell is also an outspoken Satanist whose brand features occult imagery and messages like "Satan respects pronouns" on brand apparel.

Carrie Prejean Boller, Brittany Mayer and Melissa O'Connor created their group, The Battle Cry, to fight against woke gender ideology they say is being pushed on children. Target's partnership has raised their ire.

"It looks like Target got in bed with the devil and if you don't like that, it's time now to get really loud," Mayer told "Jesse Watters Primetime" on Tuesday. "Parents, pastors, consumers, they are making it pitifully obvious for you to see that we are in a war of good versus evil and your children are the target. So, if we want to win, it's going to take all of us getting involved." 


womens group rips target for featuring pride items by satanist designer getting in bed with the devil

Many Target locations across the country feature massive June Pride month displays on an annual basis. (Brian Flood/Fox News)

A recent Battle Cry campaign offers Americans "call to action" cards they can drop off at their local Target to protest the store’s controversial moves. 

"We have a June challenge for you where we want you to use correct pronouns and you can look at this printout, print these out, cut them up and drop them everywhere in Target and every single story that is pushing the call onto our children," O'Connor said. "Let them know how you feel and where you stand. 

The group maintains the gender ideology push is a "cult" that must be fought against. 

"We have been dealing with a gender ideology cult and now we are seeing this cult on full display in the name of pride," Prejean Boller told "Jesse Watters Primetime" on Tuesday. "We are standing up against this cult. We will win this battle and we need you, the people, to rise up and stand up with us and fight this battle alongside with us ladies here at the Battle Cry." 

Authored by Maria Lencki via FoxNews May 24th 2023