JESSE WATTERS: It looks like the Biden administration blew up Hunter's laptop like a bag of coke

Watters says Attorney General Merrick Garland should be impeached

Fox News host Jesse Watters shreds the investigation into Hunter Biden and Democrats' indignation at Wednesday's hearing featuring testimony from two IRS whistleblowers on "Jesse Watters Primetime." 

JESSE WATTERS: Two IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden investigation went under oath today, and it was the first time that the Democrats, at least since I can remember, attacked an IRS agent....Last time I checked, the Democrats wanted to hire more IRS agents and give them all guns. But it got a little awkward for Democrats because one of the IRS whistleblowers was a Democrat who is also gay.  



Think about it. They were ready to charge Hunter Biden with felonies, but they weren't even allowed to crack open the laptop...So, it looks like the Biden administration blew up Hunter's laptop like a bag of coke. And how much money are we talking about here?...Ten members of the Biden family, including grandchildren, raked in 17 million from corrupt foreign nationals, but IRS agents weren't allowed to interview Hunter Biden, any member of the Biden family, and they weren't even allowed to pursue leads that led to Joe Biden.... 

IRS agents weren't allowed to interview the Bidens, weren't allowed to pursue evidence leading to Joe Biden, weren't allowed to look in the laptop, weren't allowed to execute search warrants, weren't allowed to charge felonies, weren't allowed to bring cases in Washington and California and the Biden family was tipped off every time they tried to make a move. That's called obstruction of justice and Merrick Garland lied under oath to Congress when he said this investigation wasn't obstructed. Merrick Garland should be impeached immediately and the judge shouldn't sign off on the Hunter Biden plea deal in light of this new testimony.

Authored by Fox News Staff via FoxNews July 19th 2023