Earth Alliance 5d Chess LA Fires key milestone in Disclosure Plan

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN 1/11/2025 — As we have stated in previous articles, for a very long time, perhaps decades, there is a group of “White Hats” who are US Military/Navy insiders, people in the CIA, wealthy/powerful individuals, and in other positions of power.  There is overwhelming evidence to support the claim that there is an organized effort by such a group and it implies severe intelligence.  Trump turning his head by an inch avoiding death and negative timeline for the planet can be looked at like a Miracle, or there is clearly something going on here.  If you are past believing in coincidences, please read this and explore the deeper meaning of the LA Fires and how this is overall part of the Disclosure plan.  The White Hats do not necessarily coordinate efforts with Trump, although many of them are probably very close, it is an alignment of policies and agendas.  Not everyone in the US Government is bad just as in any good or evil group you have dissidents or Jacobins that do not agree with the King or other ruling power.  Also, everyone should note that not only powerful beings are evil.  The advertising of Satanism and Demos and the like is 100x higher than the good guys so it’s part of our culture and that’s part of their agenda to attract more users of the system with all of their temptations.  Good systems like Christianity encourage big families, while Satanism breeds things that promote a child-free life.  We aren’t judging, we are just pointing out that negative groups always rely on new recruits to grow so  their advertising is a lot more attractive.  Their narratives are ingrained in our brains, in the collective subconscious.

The Cosmos and thus reality is multi-dimensional.  Advanced civilizations live in the multi-dimensional multi-verse so if we are going to assimilate into a Cosmic culture we need to understand or begin to learn about 5d chess or in other words a multi-dimensional mindset.  See these 3d Venn Diagrams made by Grok in order to capture this thought:

earth alliance 5d chess la fires key milestone in disclosure plan earth alliance 5d chess la fires key milestone in disclosure plan earth alliance 5d chess la fires key milestone in disclosure plan

Imagine that each sphere is a Universe – Space-Timeline.  All of our knowledge, thought, culture, exists in the sphere labeled “Mainstream Narrative.” This goes as deep as our collective subconscious and even is embedded in the Akashic record and our collective soul memory for a very long time as Humans.

Scientists admit that in Quantum Physics 95% or so of the known Universe is “Dark Matter” or in other words, we have no idea what it is.  It’s not nothing, it’s the absence of nothing or something, it’s a 3rd thing just called “The Unknown” – imagine that this is where other dimensions lie.

In the 3d Mainstream Narrative space-time, in this reality, the Deep State has organized the operation “Burn LA” using energy beam technology similar to what they did in Hawaii, and there is massive evidence of controlled DEW Directed Energy Weapons, including but not limited to certain structures burning and the one nearly adjacent totally intact.  It’s not only that, you can dig into the details, this article is for those who are beyond the coincidence conspiracy theory (the story that it’s just a coincidence that Tom Hank’s house is miraculously saved.. and other bs..)

This is true, this is real – the Deep State used energy weapons to burn LA, to hide the entrances to the tunnels, to destroy a lot of evidence where bad things happened.

At a higher vibration, this was organized by the Earth Alliance, or White Hats – they allowed them to do this with certain palpable outcomes:

A) This is symbolic, burning of the “Hollywood” sign, and sending a message to the Deep State and to the People – this is a new Golden Age, we are burning down the dark past to ashes and rebuilding a new beautiful world.

B) Your home is your nest, these baddies are humiliated, even if they are acting like it’s nothing, let’s face it, anyone would be upset if their house burned down, insurance or not.

C) Los Angeles is one of the major global centers for dark energies, the Deep State, Hollywood – CIA operations, Psy Ops, the legacy “Cults” like Scientology, are all born in LA.  Satanism in it’s modern form was born in LA, Anton LaVey and other occultists were all summoned in LA.  Sites like Magic Castle, the Charles Manson Caves (in Chatsworth), and many other sites in and around LA and WeHo are dark places where very bad black magic was practiced, we are not going to go into detail.  The scenes are so horrific it makes any Steven King reader blush.

D) This will force the Deep Blue, Radical Left base of Los Angeles to question their Democrat policies and their DEI leaders.

E) In the rebuilding effort, this will eliminate the Red-Blue post election rift, as everyone will rally behind rebuilding.  Because the government was so blatantly wrong and failed so miserably, nobody is going to say that it wasn’t Gavin Newsom’s fault, or the mayor of LA who was at a DEI event in Africa while LA burned.  The LA Police cited evacuees for traffic violations.  They made looting legal (for valuables less than $10,000).

F) This is a final show of exposing the Democrat/Deep State policies as a failure, allowing Trump and the White Hats smoother sailing when reforming.  There aren’t any sides to the debate on the fire, it’s bad and there isn’t someone saying that it’s good that it happened, only a few crackpots.  This has created UNITY – WE LOVE LA!

G) This is not the first time the Earth Alliance has forced the hand of the Deep State in an Aikido style move, it’s just the most obvious and extreme.  5d Chess.

JP recently visited an Earth Alliance / White Hat base controlled by the White Hats in the Secret Space Program, where he witnessed large cigar shaped craft which were Navy submarines retrofitted for deep space travel, and he was told they will soon be showing themselves in the skies.  He was told that very soon, probably after Trump is in the White House, these ships would reveal themselves publicly.  The ships are part of an international secret space program, led by the US, using ET Tech.  In other words, our craft, multi-national, using non human tech.

For those of you who are skeptical about JP, although I have met him in person and Dr. Salla has verified his military credentials, he will soon reveal his identity at which point he will likely be Subpoenaed by US Congress at which point Disclosure will flow like a river (not the drip drip limited hangout).

The Earth Alliance is a coalition between the Earth Secret Space Programs and the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which is a United Nations style organization of thousands of Star Nations, and many of them are physically here near Jupiter.  For those of you who want to see Greys or Mantids as evidence, please note that our Earth is a special paradise for Humans.  While Humanoids are the prevalent life form in the Cosmos, there are thousands of types of beings.  Most of those non-Humanoid beings, such as Greys, do not adjust well to our environment here.  Nearly all of the ETs who survived UFO crashes died shortly after even with medical treatment (we don’t have the right treatments, either).  So most of the non-humans that will reveal themselves soon are going to be human looking, but don’t worry they will have plenty of evidence from the higher vibration, multi-dimensional cosmos which is more vast that most of us can imagine.

Around 2021 a Disclosure Plan was agreed upon at a meeting of the Earth Alliance, and the details of that plan are secured for any leaks might jeopardize the plan.  Most witnesses say the same thing, the plan is solidified on this timeline that it’s 99% guaranteed, but any Deep State disruptions can change only the form, timing, and other variables of Disclosure.  Or in other words this Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming meme is real, although those spreading this have only faith and don’t understand the 5d plan behind it.

The hallmark signature of the NHI part of the Earth Alliance is making things look like it’s the Act of God.  The Deep State has “Voice of God” technology that can literally broadcast a deep voice inside your head, no doubt this has influenced many leaders.  But the good guys don’t play by the same rules, their plan requires:

A) Nobody killed (directly)

B) No arrests

C) No revenge

Karma is a real thing and the Deep State and all the entities that participated now have hell to pay (literally).

If you’d like a good read to get up to speed on this asap, checkout the recently released book:

Get the book LeeLoo v. Deep State Et Al

earth alliance 5d chess la fires key milestone in disclosure plan

Authored by Globalintelhub via ZeroHedge January 13th 2025