GDP Growth Doubts Rise As Goods Shipments Disappoint In Feb; Orders Revised Lower... Again

Having plunged by the most since COVID lockdowns in January, analysts expected a small rebound in February data released this morning. Analysts were right as headline factory orders rose 1.4% MoM (vs +1.0% exp) but this was from a downwardly revised 3.8% MoM loss in January (from -3.6%). That lifted the YoY rise in factory orders to +1.0%...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

On a core (ex-transports) basis, orders also beat expectations, rising 1.1% MoM (vs +0.5% MoM exp) from an upwardly revised 0.6% MoM loss in January. That MoM gain inched the YoY orders back into the green (+0.17%)...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

The Military-Industrial complex struggled in February (poor things) as Defense spending dropped 12.7% MoM (while non-defense rebounded from its biggest MoM drop since COVID lockdowns)...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

Mining and Refining orders rose notably in February while shipbuilding orders tumbled most since June 2023...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

Final factory orders were revised slightly lower over the month with capital goods shipments ex-air -  a key input for the government’s GDP calculation - tumbled 0.6% MoM (the worst since Feb 2021)...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

That’s a troubling signal for future production and and limits the scope for a persistent upswing in capex.

Finally, it's that same old issue again... downward revisions!! In the last 21 months, US factory orders have been downwardly revised 17 times...

gdp growth doubts rise as goods shipments disappoint in feb orders revised lower again

Source: Bloomberg

Bidenomics - make it up as you go along - continues.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge April 2nd 2024