Tammy Bruce: This will backfire on the left

The Fox News contributor warned against the doxxing and threatening of the Supreme Court justices, arguing the White House supports the effort. #FoxNews ... TAMMY BRUCE: As a reminder here, as everyone is still manipulated and lied to by the left, especially Democrats, the Supreme Court doesn't make law. We know this, but nobody watching this seems to know it, that this is about what the Constitution stands for and simply then allowing the states to make their own decisions on this issue. But what you're seeing is this, and this will backfire. The left never knows when to stop. They always go too far, and Americans, well I'm with the Americans in that there should be restrictions, limited restrictions, but certain access absolutely. To have riots and then to publish the addresses of Supreme Court justices has nothing to do with the issue, and the fact that the White House in those clips you played is not condemning it, encourages it. That's a statement that they are behind it and that they support it. ...

Authored by FoxNews via FoxNews May 4th 2022