Killing the belief that ‘life is cheap’ | Rooftop Revelations

It has been mentioned in earlier Rooftop Revelations that a child born today into the South Side of Chicago did not choose to be born into such a violent and impoverished world. But that was the child’s fate. The hope here is that the child will have strong parents or at least one strong parental figure who can provide the guidance to turn that fate into a rags-to-riches story or, at the very least, a rags-to-middle class story. But what about the child who has no one or perhaps was born to children? What hope is there that such a child will survive the streets where every day killings send the same message: life is cheap? Pastor Corey Brooks knows the odds are against that child. He knows that men and women like him may be the child’s best hope to see that there is a world of opportunities out there. That is why on the 79th day of his 100-day rooftop vigil to raise funds for a community center to bring hope to such children, he invited Vondale Singleton, CEO of CHAMPS Mentoring, for a fireside talk. #FoxNews

Authored by FoxNews via FoxNews February 8th 2022