Jim Jordan: Democrats want $7 gas

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, slams President Biden for not standing up to Democrats on increasing U.S. energy production. #FoxNews ... REP. JIM JORDAN: I sat in a hearing a few months ago where Ro Khanna, a Democrat member from California -- the state that's now got a $7 gas. He had the oil and gas executives there in front of them, and he badgered every one of them, asking them one simple question: Will you pledge to decrease production this year? I mean, the Democrats want $7 gas. So that is the biggest problem. … What that means to middle class families, how that hurts our economy, how that drives up the price of everything because you got – it takes fuel to move goods around the country. So it's complete craziness, but that's where the left is today. And unfortunately, they have complete control of the Democrat Party and Joe Biden, I think, is afraid to stand up to them. That's why he's talking to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and Iran, for goodness sake. ...

Authored by FoxNews via FoxNews March 8th 2022