Waltz: UNRWA Must Be Defunded, They Haven’t Cared About Charges Their Teacher Helped Keep Hostage

On Monday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “Dan Abrams Live,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) called for the defunding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and criticized their lack of seriousness over reported testimony from a hostage that a teacher associated with the group helped hide an Israeli hostage.

Waltz said, “I find it…incredible that, when you have this type of reporting, the U.N. immediately tries to label it as misinformation and demands it just go away, rather than taking it as a credible report from a known credible reporter with a credible news source and looking into it. We are seeing other reporting now. We don’t have a response from the U.N. yet, but we’re seeing other reporting that the U.N. is going to investigate…what would be just an unbelievable, gross abuse. So, we hope they’re going to look into it. At the end of the day, I think as you’re alluding, this is a long history of antisemitism and obvious pro-Hamas leanings from the U.N. in Gaza. It’s one of the reasons, one of the key reasons that Republicans in the House just voted in our funding bill for the State Department foreign aid to cut UNRWA…from — at least the U.S.’s portion of the funding for it, and to cut it out, because not only do we have these types of allegations, but also, their teaching, the other types of support they provide, are blatantly known to be anti-Israel and antisemitic.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 4th 2023