NBC’s Pransky: We Have Seen ‘Some Trans Women’ Dominate in Women’s Sports, But ‘By and Large’ They Don’t

On Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s “Hallie Jackson Now,” NBC News Correspondent Noah Pransky discussed World Aquatics having an “open category” for trans athletes to compete in and stated that “by and large, trans women do not tend to dominate,” but there are “some trans women who are doing very well” competing against biological women.

Pransky stated, “[T]hey’re trying to balance the concerns of people who are concerned about access for trans women to sports as well as concerns about fairness in sports, when you have some women — some trans women who are doing very well. Now, research has found that, by and large, trans women do not tend to dominate, but — and that’s especially in younger, youth sports. But, there are some instances. That’s why we’re seeing it. It’s a very nuanced, very nuanced topic. And basically, we can simplify this down, a lot of organizations…are really struggling to find a balance that suits everybody’s needs.”

He added that the Department of Education told him to expect new policies on trans athletes this fall and the policy appears to be one that would bar broad bans on biological men competing in women’s sports, but would allow for some specific restrictions in place for fairness and safety purposes.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 25th 2023