Lancet: Migration Is ‘Inextricably Linked to Climate Change’

Migrants wave aboard a Salvamento Maritimo sea search and rescue agency vessel after they

The once prestigious Lancet medical journal is galloping onward in its woke agenda, insisting on an “inextricable” link between climate change and immigration.

In its most recent issue, the Lancet laments a lack of widespread appreciation for the “climate–migration–health nexus,” while urging greater efforts to awaken the public to the problem.

“Climate change is increasingly driving population movement, acting as a driver of and a barrier to migration and as a hazard experienced during journeys or on arrival at new destinations,” the journal contends.

The article fails to explain how climate — something measured in 30-year swaths as opposed to daily occurring weather — can act as a barrier or a hazard to anything.

Undeterred, the article notes that the “scale of migration and displacement due to climate change” is vast, with an estimated 24 million people per year being displaced by natural disasters, adding that this figure is “projected” to rise to 1.2 billion people by 2050.

Communities might migrate in response to the effects of climate change, the Lancet argues, and therefore it should be acknowledged that “migration represents an adaptation strategy.”

“Governments must begin to cooperate and reach agreements, especially across borders, to protect the rights of people on the move, including their right to health,” the article states, an affirmation that really refers to migration alone, with no evident need of a connection to climate change.

The article posits the goal of building “climate-resilient health systems” in parallel with building “health systems that are sensitive to migrant and displaced people.”

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Climate change concurrently presents “multiple challenges” to health systems, the piece declares, without providing any clue as to what these challenges could possibly be.

The article concludes that “further research on the climate–migration–health nexus is necessary” and National Adaptation Plans “should consider the inclusion of health, migration, and displacement.”

Research funding “must be directed to the countries and communities most impacted by climate change, addressing existing inequities,” it adds.

Authored by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. via Breitbart April 22nd 2024