Jennifer Palmieri: Trump Indictments ‘Coalescing More Support Behind Him’

Former Hillary Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the indictments of former President Donald Trump were “coalescing” Republican support behind him in the 2024 presidential primary.

Palmieri said, “Chris Christie has a wee bit of momentum behind him. He is taking Trump on. He is taking Trump on where he is really vulnerable, in terms of him being able to win an election. That is having a small impact because there are Republican voters that are very open to that argument.”

She continued, “I’ve heard people say, ‘You know, Tim Scott is sort of interesting to me.’ I’ve heard people say in Iowa, ‘Nikki Haley is interesting to me.’ But is there anyone that — there’s no one who is putting all the pieces together. There’s no one who is making the electability argument the way that Chris Christie is doing.”

Palmieri added, “It’s still early, a lot can happen and all that. It may be that the next round of indictments is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and people say, ‘Wow, it’s just too much, he can’t beat Biden.’ But every indication we have thus far is there’s no candidate that is putting it all together in a way that could be a serious rival to Trump, and these indictments just are not hurting, they’re sort of coalescing more support behind him.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart July 6th 2023