IRS Whistleblower Ziegler: I Never Saw 1023 Form on Biden, Burisma and That Could Have Been Crucial

During a portion of an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s “Special Report,” IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler stated that he never saw the 1023 form on the Biden family and Ukraine and that the document should have been provided to him because it could have been a crucial document that could have validated other evidence.

Host Shannon Bream asked, [relevant remarks begin around 8:55] “Let me ask you, too, this new document that’s been released — not new, it’s newly-released, this FD-1023 that Sen. Grassley (R-IA) has put out that has various allegations involving the Bidens, and they’re unverified. This is one source who said it, involving payments to a Burisma official — payments from that official to them, from Ukraine. Did that document ever become part of your investigation? Did that come across your desk?”

Ziegler responded, “So, I provided an additional document to the House Ways and Means Committee, which they released. Which — that testimony that I had in there said that I had never seen that document before. So, I had never seen that 1023. And the reason why that 1023 might have been important, is that can further validate some other evidence that we are trying to prove in the case. And that’s why all information is necessary for, especially, the lead IRS case agent to have.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 21st 2023