Dem Sen. Rosen: Whistleblower Allegations on DOJ Meddling in Hunter Probe ‘A Distraction from the MAGA Extremists’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) stated that claims by Republicans and two IRS whistleblowers that the Department of Justice meddled in the Hunter Biden probe are “really a distraction from the MAGA extremists.”

Guest host Ana Cabrera asked, “Republicans in the House are even talking about impeachment proceedings against President Biden to further investigate allegations that the Justice Department meddled in the Hunter Biden case, which the DOJ denies, Attorney Weiss also denies. But does this warrant further investigation?”

Rosen responded, “I’m going to leave the pundits to discuss this, but it is really a distraction from the MAGA extremists. We have a lot to do. Like, I said, we’re going to be voting on the national defense authorization bill. Our FAA reauthorization bill comes up September 30…the farm bill. This is how we feed our country, feed our nation. That’s coming up. The House and the Senate, we have a lot of important work to do, and we need to get down to business because people are counting on us every single day.”

Cabrera then asked, “Yes, but according to a recent Reuters poll, 50% of Americans believe Hunter Biden was treated leniently because he’s the president’s son. So, this is something that the president is still having to deal with, your party is still having to deal with, especially looking ahead at the 2024 election. Why do you think that’s the perception by the average American voter?”

Rosen answered, “Well, like I said, I’m going to let the pundits discuss all of that.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 26th 2023