Dem Rep. Moulton: China Knows They Can Buy Access to Higher Education

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that China knows that by donating to American higher education institutions, they can buy their way to access to the American higher education system and said that China is clearly trying to buy its way to accessing American technology with its donations.

While discussing Chinese involvement in higher education, co-host John Roberts referenced Chinese donations to American universities and asked, “how is that not buying your way to American technology?”

Moulton responded, “That’s exactly what they’re trying to do. China has had this philosophy for a while. They know that our higher education system is the best in the world. They know that investing in our universities can help get them access, including sending students to here, which, with our totally broken immigration system, we then turn around and send these students, after they’ve graduated, back to China. Most of them don’t even want to go back, but our system is so broken that we send them back there to use the knowledge they’ve gained in America to help the PRC. It’s one of the reasons immigration reform is so important.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 18th 2023