CNN’s Tapper: ‘Most’ Campus Demonstrations ‘Peaceful’ and for ‘Palestinian Rights’ and Not Like Charlottesville

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” host Jake Tapper reacted to 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump comparing the situation on college campuses to Charlottesville by stating that “There has been some anti-Israel sentiment and there has been some antisemitic sentiment,” but “most of them” were “peaceful, most of them in support of Palestinian rights” and “that’s not what the neo-Nazis in the Unite the Right rally were doing. That was not a peaceful march that turned into something ugly. It was ugly from the word go.”

After former Trump White House Lawyer Jim Schultz stated that Charlottesville was a bad issue for Trump politically, Tapper said, “Jim raised this really interesting point, David and Jamie, which is, why bring up Charlottesville? Like, that is one of the ugliest moments of his presidency, and yes, we are seeing protests all over the country, most of them peaceful, most of them in support of Palestinian rights. There has been some anti-Israel sentiment and there has been some antisemitic sentiment, without question. But that’s not what the neo-Nazis in the Unite the Right rally were doing. That was not a peaceful march that turned into something ugly. It was ugly from the word go.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart April 25th 2024