Last Friday Was The Busiest Day In US Aviation History

Against the backdrop of a weakening consumer, air travel remains a hot spot. New data shows the number of people passing through Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security checkpoints at airports hit a new record on Friday. 

"TSA Officers nationwide screened 2,883,595 individuals – beating our previous travel record of 2,882,915 on the Sunday after Thanksgiving in 2019," TSA tweeted. 

last friday was the busiest day in us aviation history

"This is the highest number of passengers the agency has screened on record," TSA continued. 

Despite ongoing flight delays and cancelations over the past year as a severe shortage of air traffic controllers is causing flight disruptions, that did not deter millions of passengers from traveling over the holiday weekend.  

The question remains, is this a blowoff top in pent-up demand for travel? 

Authored by By Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge July 5th 2023