Did Costco Hit Bud Light With "Death Star"?

Social media users have noticed a mysterious "asterisk" in the upper-right-hand corner of Bud Light price tags at various Costco stores. Some users have referred to this asterisk as the "death star," suggesting that the discount retailer might not replenish its stock once the inventory is depleted.

There are numerous confirmations that the asterisk on price tags at Costco stores is a sign that the particular item won't be restocked. KrazyCoupon Lady and Marie Clark, editor of the shopping site CostContessa, confirmed this over the years. 

What needs to be confirmed is if the members-only warehouse retail chain is abandoning Bud Light products due to the possibility of collapsing demand and worsening backlash after Bud Light sponsored trans-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney 'celebrating' one year of womanhood in April.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge July 14th 2023